The theme of the MAISON&OBJET PARIS January 2016 show – taking place between January 22nd-26th – is Wild.
The precis for the theme, as described by Marie-Jo Malait, Editor-in-chief of the Inspirations Book.
“The leopard cannot change its spots… Between threat of disappearance and hope for revival, nature takes over, expressing itself in all its first states, from the wild to the sacred.
Confronted with a world formatted by technology, urbanization and excessive domestication, the imaginary gets wilder off the beaten tracks, and finds refuge in the innocence of an essential, preserved landscape, untouched.
Contemporary creation convenes wild spirits. We return to the forest to reset. Forms and materials reconnect with elements to be in line with Mother Earth. The wild poetic gleans the elementary, the raw, the misshapen, the corroded, the burnt, the scarified.
We reinject some nature into the urban space, in search of new wastelands. As shamans, designers call upon the magic of spirits and supernatural forces. ReWild Yourself.”
From now on, the three trends agencies members of the MAISON&OBJET Observatory will take turns at each session to develop the theme, reflecting the collective work carried out throughout the year, in an expanded space.
The new Inspirations Forum, which will present the Inspirations Space by François Bernard, will be extended through the Wild Café-Bookstore, designed by Elizabeth Leriche focusing on the theme of the Inspirations Book, with select works illustrating the bibliography.
Lastly, the conference space will provide opportunities to explore the theme in greater depth and reposition it in the broader context of current trends.